March 4, 2021
Advocates for Children and Youth is pleased to accept  applications to serve on our Board. Join us!

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Boldy Stand for Equity

Purchase your equi-Tee through March 11, 2021. Sizes range from youth XS to 4XL in adult sizes. 

Our goal is to raise $1,500 and we want to sell 150 shirts.  Proceeds from the campaign will support production for our upcoming webinar on April 13th.


Rachel White, our Child Welfare Policy Director testified in support of SB592, which requires the Department of Human Services and the Maryland State Department of Education to report on specific data points for youth involved in the child welfare system. This data will be disaggregated by race, gender, age, and geographic regions, allowing for targeted interventions to address disparities. We are pleased to have the support of the Department of Human Services in our endeavors.

For more information regarding our legislative agenda, click here.


HB776 - Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Program:  Melissa Rock, our Birth to Three Strategic Director, supports HB776 which studies the program housed at MSDE that provides mental health consultation for young children exhibiting problematic behaviors in their childcare settings.  ACY and our coalition members, were instrumental in getting an amendment added which ensures the study considers behavioral health professionals as an integral part of the program staff as studies have shown improved outcomes when these qualifications are present.  The bill is on its way to the Senate.

HB1326/SB727 - Maryland Healthy Working Families Act: ACY is proud to continue our long-term support for paid sick and safe leave by supporting HB1326/SB727. These bills ensure that Maryland's Paid Sick and Safe Leave laws will continue to meet the needs of families even when we are in a public health emergency. We know that BIPOC Marylanders have been hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic and we need to ensure that Maryland's low wage workers do not have to choose between their health and meeting their family's financial needs.

For more information regarding our legislative agenda, click here.


This week, the Maryland Juvenile Justice Reform Council (JJRC) omnibus bill is now in the Senate. Last week's House Hearing in support for this reform package went well, met with hardly any opposition and few questions. ACY, along with the Maryland Youth Justice Coalition (MYJC), supports this historic legislation that addresses recommendations from the Juvenile Justice Reform Council.  

Hannah Breakstone, our Policy Associate, will submit testimony in support of this bill, SB853, which focuses on four large reforms that will improve the youth justice system in Maryland which include:

  1. Raising the minimum age of juvenile court jurisdiction;
  2. Banning the use of juvenile jail and youth prison for low level offenses;
  3. Limiting terms of probation; and
  4. Making it easier to divert kids out of the system.

Advocates for Children and Youth is pleased to accept applications to serve on our Board. Join us!

Over the past year, Advocates for Children and Youth's Board of Directors and Staff have been working on refining our approach to advocacy. We shared our mission statement, launched our campaign, Equity for All Kids during the 2020 legislative session, and continue to be responsive and preemptive to the new challenges that the pandemic has either magnified or exposed. 

To give you further insight into our progress toward racial equity and inclusion both internally and externally, we are sharing our Strategic FrameworkTheory of Changeand Values.  With these tools in hand, we will work toward building a strong Maryland by advancing policies and programs to ensure children and families of every race, ethnicity, and place of birth achieve their full potential.

Advocates for Children and Youth
One N. Charles Street | Suite 2400 | Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Advocates for Children and Youth is funded by: Abell Foundation | The Annie E. Casey Foundation | Arnold Ventures | Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation | Clayton Baker | The Fund for Change | Fund for Families with Young Children | Greater Washington Community Foundation | Lockhart Vaughan Foundation | Meyer Foundation | OSI-Baltimore | Partnership for America's Children

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